In order to understand a dam safety issue, we need to look at firstly general dam safety guideline that is currently applied, and also we should past overall cause of dam failure and remediation histories. For this, there are some valuable sources and references to read as follows.
Must-See Online Resources on Dam Safety
National Dam Safety Program / Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been working to protect Americans from dam failure through the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP). The NDSP provides information about dam safety research and training.
Dam safety, FEMA
This web-site gives a great source of dam failure information,
the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP), dam safety guideline, and technical manuals and guides, etc.
Guidelines for Dam Safety, FEMA
Another essential dam safety guideline in nationwide is FEMA federal guidelines for federal agency dam owners and regulators. The guidelines may also be used by non-federal dam owners, regulators, and operators. It includes:
Major Events in Dam Safety in the U.S. summary of major events in dam safety issue is provided.
Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) / Department of Water Resources (DWR) California, the best dam safety relating organization is Division of Safety of Dams in Department of Water Resources. The California Water Code entrusts this regulatory power to the Department of Water Resources which delegates the program to the Division of Safety of Dams. Information regarding the supervision of dams is addressed here to better serve the public, dam owners and applicants.
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)
ASDSO is a non-profit organization of state and federal dam safety regulators, dam owners/operators, dam designers, manufacturers/suppliers, academia, contractors and others interested in dam safety. This site address the dam safety issue and state dam safety programs. fact sheet for the California dam safety program is given.
US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Dam Safety
This site provides the Reclamation's Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) program and overall good information on dam safety issue.
USBR, dam database
Engineer Manuals, United States Army Corps of Engineers
A good source of engineering manuals on dams and levees, also other geo-structures.
United States Society on Dams
Publication and information about dam engineering, construction, planning, operation, performance, rehabilitation, decommissioning, maintenance, security and safety
Summary of USSD White Paper on Dam Safety Risk Assessment site introduces USSD publication White Paper on Dam Safety Risk Assessment.
National Inventory of Dams
With the National Dam Inspection Act (P.L. 92-367) of 1972, inventory dams located in the United States are provided in this site.
Dam, Hydropower and Reservoir Statistics USSD Committee on Register of Dams gives summarized table about United States dams, hydropower projects and reservoirs.
Educational Site on Dam and Water Resource web-site describes well regarding
Why Dams & Water Resources,
and Water Availability, etc.
Useful Readings regarding General Dam Safety Issue
FEMA dam safety guidelines
Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners (FEMA 64)·
Earthquake Analyses and Design of Dams (FEMA 65)·
Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety (FEMA 93)·
Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams (FEMA 94)·
Glossary of Terms (FEMA 148)·
Hazard Potential Classification System for Dams (FEMA 333)Bharat Singh, R. S. Varshney, Engineering for Embankment Dams, A.A.Balkema, 1995
Donald H. Babbitt, Improving Seismic Safety of Dams in California, Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams
Dean W. Smith, Surveillance Measurements within California’s Dam Safety Program, Division of Safety of Dams, Department of Water Resources, State of California
Emil R. Calzascia and James A. Fitzpatrick, Hydrogogic Analysis within California’s Dam Safety Program, Division of Safety of Dams, Department of Water Resources, State of California
James L. Sherard, Earth and Earth-Rock Dams; Engineering Problems of Design and Construction, John Wiley and Sons, 1967
Richard J. Baines, Dam Inspections, California Division of Safety of Dams, Department of Water Resources, 1999.01
References for Dam Safety due to Earthquake
Gilles Bureau, Richard L. Volpe, Wolfgang H. Roth, Takekazu Udaka, Seismic Analysis of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams, Concrete Face Rockfill Dams - Design, Construction, and Performance, ASCE, 1985
ICOLD Committee on Materials for Fill Dams, Concrete Face Rockfill Dams, Concepts for Design and Construction, Nov. 2004
Luis Arrau, Ismael Ibarra, Guillermo Noguera, Performance of Cogoti Dam Under Seismic Loading, Concrete Face Rockfill Dams - Design, Construction, and Performance, ASCE, 1985
M. Yener Ozkan, A Review of Considerations on Seismic Safety of Embankments and Earth and Rockfill Dams, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 17 (1998) 439~458, Elsevier
Nasim Uddin, A Dynamic Analysis Procedure for Concrete-faced Rockfill Dams Subjected to Strong Seismic Excitation, Computers and Structures 72 (1999) 409~421
Martin Wieland, Earthquake Safety of Concrete Dams and Seismic Design Criteria for Major Dam Projects,, P.F.Hadala, R.H.Ledbetter, Seismic rehabilitation of Earth Dams, Journal of Greotechnical Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 1, 1996, ASCE
Manish Shrikhande, Susanta Basu, A Critique of the ICOLD Method for Selecting Earthquake Ground Motions to Design Large Dams, Engineering Geology 80, pp 37–42, 2005, Elsevier
Martin Wieland, Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, History References used in this Webpage
The scope of this case history about dam failure and remediation is limited to the dams in California except Teton Dam case history, which is dramatically a big failure. More worldwide information can be referred some recommended sources in this website.
Lower San Fernando
Bardet, J. P., and C. A. Davis, Performance of San Fernando Dams During 1994 Northridge Earthquake, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Vol. 122, No. 7, 1996, pp. 554–564.
Davis, C. A., and J. P. Bardet, Performance of Two Reservoirs During the 1994 Northridge earthquake, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Vol. 122, No. 8, 1996, pp. 613–622.
Seed, Lee, Idriss, & Makdisi (1975). The slides in the San Fernando Dams during the Earthquake of February 9, 1971, J.Geotech. Engrg. Div., ASCE, 101(GT7), 651-688.
Seed, Seed, Harder, Jong (1989), Re-Evaluation of the Lower San Fernando Dam, Contract report GL-89-1 for the US Army Corp of Engineers, Washington, DC.
LA Dam Dam
Chris Kramer, Michael D. Lee, Preparedness for Dam Failures in the San Francisco Bay Area, Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2004, ASCE
City of San Jose, Emergency Operations Plan, 2006
I.M. Idriss, Ralph J. Archuleta, Evaluation of Earthquake Ground Motions draft 06.5, 2007, -
John Vrymoed, Wallace Lam, Earthquake Performance of Austrian Dam, California during the Loma Prieta Earthquake, Division of Safety of Dams, Department of Water Resources, Harder, Jr., J.D. Bray, R.L. Volpe, R.L. Volpe, K.V. Rodda, Performance of Earth Dams during the Loma Prieta Earthquake, The Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17, 1989-Earth Structures and Engineering Characterization of Ground Motion, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1552-D, 1998
San Luis Dam
Boulanger, R. (2008). San Luis Dam Slide. Retrieved 2 4, 2008, from Ross W. Boulanger Faculty Page Photo Album:, J. M., & Stark, T. D. (1989). The Causes of the 1981 Slide in San Luis Dam. Raleigh, North Carolina: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Reclamation, U. S. (1994). Central Valley Project The San Luis Unit West San Joaquin Division. Retrieved 24, 2008, from Reclamation Managing the Water in the West:
Baldwin Hills Reservoir
CDWR (1964). Investigation of Failure Baldwin Hills Reservoir. Department of Water Resources, The Resources Agency, State of California, April.
Jansen, R. B. (1988). Advanced dam engineering for design, construction, and rehabilitation. Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY.
St. Francis Dam
Jansen, R. B. (1988). Advanced dam engineering for design, construction, and rehabilitation.
Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY.
Teton Dam
Teton Dam Failure Review Group, Failure of Teton Dam – Final Report, by U.S. Department of the Interior, January 1980.
Coyote Dam
Abrahamson, Norman A., M. EERI, and Robert Darragh, The Morgan Hill Earthquake of
April 24, 1984 – The 1.29g Acceleration at Coyote Lake Dam: Due to Directivity, a Double
Event, or Both?, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 1985, pp. 445-455.
Boore, David M., Vladimir M. Graizer, John C. Tinsley, and Anthony F. Shakal, A Study of Possible Ground-Motion Amplification at the Coyote Lake Dam, California,
Bulletin of the Seismologial Society of America, Vol. 94, No. 4, August 2004, pp. 1327-1342.
Sherard, J. L., L. S. Cluff, and C. R. Allen, Potential active faults in dam foundations, Geotechnique, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1974, pp 367-428.
Sherard, James L., Sc.D., Richard J. Woodward, M.S., Stanley F. Gizienski, M.S., and William A. Clevenger, B.S., Earth and Earth-Rock Dams, Engineering Problems of Design and Construction, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1963
Tepel, Robert E., M. EERI, The Morgan Hill Earthquake of April 24, 1984 – Effects on Facilities of the Santa Clara Vallet Water District, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 1985, pp. 633-656.
Hell Hole Dam Dam
Ross Boulanger and Ronn S. Rose, Hand-out and Presentation material, ECI288 Dam Engineering Class, 2008