Sunday, May 18, 2008

3.7 FEMA Flood Safety

The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide thorough and consistent procedures for selecting and accommodating Inflow Design Floods (IDFs). The IDF is the flood flow above which the incremental increase in water surface elevation downstream due to failure of a dam or other water retaining structure is no longer considered to present an unacceptable additional downstream threat.

These Guidelines are not intended to provide a complete manual of all procedures used for estimating inflow design floods; the selection of procedures is dependent upon available hydrologic data and individual watershed characteristics. All studies should be performed by an engineer experienced in hydrology and hydraulics, directed and reviewed by engineers experienced in dam safety, and should contain a summary of the design.

The following topics are discussed in these Guidelines: 
ü Selecting the IDF - The selection of the appropriate IDF for a dam is related to the hazard potential classification and is the result of the incremental hazard evaluation. 
ü Accommodating the IDF - Site-specific considerations are necessary to establish hydrologic flood routing criteria for each dam and reservoir. The criteria for routing the IDF or any other flood should be consistent with the reservoir regulation procedure that is to be followed in actual operation.

Sources: FEMA 94, Inflow-design-floods

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